Wednesday, December 17, 2008

5 Steps For Success

All of us weather we work from home, or elsewhere can profit from this lesson. I believe it holds true in every phase of our day/lives, and all of our activities, big or small.

It is not too often that I quote things from the Bible, but not too long ago in church our new Pastor finished his sermon on Nehemiah, and I want to share the story and process with you.

Nehemiah heard from God that he was to build a new city. To build this new city there were steps that he had to follow so he could get the job done. It is these steps that I wish to share with you because I feel like they are important guidelines to help us reach our goals.

Everything that we do in our lives has a pattern for success.

Five Steps to Success

Vision: First we have a vision of what we want. When you started your business you had a vision. This is something you want to do.

Preparation: We all make preparation for our business. We make our lists, and work on how we were going to accomplish our goals.

Action: The action that we take, and are possibly are still taking in our business.

Endurance: This is the step where we must endure not only our own feelings, but the feelings of those who possibly question what we are doing, or those who do not share our vision. It is the step where we continue to move forward in spite of the obstacles that can be placed before us.

Celebration: This is where the excitement is. As a Christian I feel that God wants us to celebrate our achievements with true JOY.

I wish you all success!

Monday, December 15, 2008

Everyone Likes To Talk About Themselves!

Have you ever found that you are in a room networking, really anxious to let the entire world know exactly what it is that you do, and how wonderful your product is... and then you realize, everyone in the room has the same idea?

The next time you are in a networking atmosphere do this: Be interested, don’t try to be interesting. The more information you can take and learn about others the more they are going to like and trust you!

Here are some steps to take while Relationship Networking:

Remember to pay attention to others. Slow your mind down to really listen to what they are saying, and do not try to think about what you are going to say next, really listen to them.
Gather just a couple of business cards at each meeting and follow up on them.
Don’t let too much time go by before you contact this person. The more time that goes by after you meet the less chance is that they will remember you.

We want our contacts and clients to remember us. They will remember us if we remember them!

There is a way to systematically keep in touch with your clients and business contacts Go to my website and see just how the SendOutCards system works. You can easily maintain your relationships both business and person by using this fantastic, inexpensive system.
Celeste Underwood Relationship Marketing Coach